News Staff
CTV Vancouver Island
September 4, 2019

A brand new $63-million dollar healthcare training facility officially opened its doors at Camosun College's Interurban Campus Wednesday morning.
The Alex and Jo Campbell Centre for Health and Wellness offers 15 different health and human service programs, including medical radiography technology, early childhood education, mental health and addictions courses and a range of nursing programs.
According to the post-secondary institution, students of the new programs will receive practical hands-on experience that simulates real hospital environments in the classroom.
"The building cost us about 63-million dollars and that investment is really in students and in education for the South Island," said Cynthia Smith, Dean of the school of health and human services at Camosun College.
"They're learning in a leading edge innovative facility that simulates the community, hospital environments, clinical environments so students actually experience what they are going to experience when they go out in their practicums, their clinical experiences and when they graduate."